Tuesday 27 January 2009

first day- filming

On Monday’s lesson we started our filming for our practical work. We stated our filming with our establishing shot, which was of the college. We used various shot types including extreme long shots, long shots and medium shots of specific features of the college such as the sign and entrance. We did this to ensure we had a range of shots for the opening so that when it came to editing we had enough versions of the beginning to choose from.

We then went on to filming out character (Claudio) going through the barriers of the college into the college premises. In this case we also had different shot types/ angles but mostly close ups as in our plan we agreed that close-ups would be the best way to create curiosity and suspense as the character is not revealed.

Once this part was done we tried out recording our charter through reflections we found such as mirror and a puddle reflection. I found these shots effective as the reflection gave a full images of the character but at the same time due to the light rays made the figure slightly distorted and hence not well identifiable of the features of the character.

After that we went on to doing an over the shoulder shot, hand held shot of our character walking into the college. We then did a medium shot of our character walking through the reception and being greeted by the security guard. I found that this shot was very good as it shows to the audience that the character not trespassing of any sought and is actual a member of the college. I believe that this shot will bring further curiosity as we are filming the character that will make the audience prejudice against him and his motives but then being welcomed by a authorise figure (security guard) shows that he is not in the wrong place.

We then went onto filming our CCTV clips. The beginning of the CCTV showing him walk into the premises was easily produced as we were in range with each other when it came to instructing Claudio to perform. However on the other hand doing the CCTV shot of the lift scene was a lot more difficult and was a lot more time consuming. This was due to the CCTV room and the lift being at locations far apart from each other. This was a problem as it was difficult to communicate to each other on when to start filming and when to act. This problem was then solved due to Suzie’s and Claudio using their mobile phones to communicate with each other, although it did take a couple of takes to do so.

We ended our day of filming by having close ups and medium shots of the character pushing the lift calling button and opening the door to his room. Also we had a hand held, point of view shot of the character walking to the lift.

Our first day of shooting overall went pretty well as we managed to cover our hole scene involving out side the class room scene. also i believe we used a range of shot types and angles which will be essential and beneficial for us when it comes to editing. The only obstacles that were a nuisance were other students getting in the way and making noises, but now this problem will not effect us now we i believe we have finished our outside shooting and our class room scenes will be carried out in a empty class room so there should not be a disruptions.

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