Monday 5 January 2009

"watching" 05/01/2009

in today's lesson we researched about openings. we did this by watching a documentary about opening of movies, this documentary was called "watching" in his documentary we were shown various openings to movies with different and specific methods of openings. we were shown several opening which ranged from a slow and gradual build up to the excitement, to the opening being very directs and straight to the excitement. we also analysed quotations that were said by leading directors such as Stanley Kauffmann and Orson Welles. when analysing the quotations we interpreted the quotation and also comment on the effect it has to the audience.

i feel that the "slow and seductive " opening would be most effective as it would create the tension and keep the audience wanting to know more and keep them pressed against there seats. i believe this is more effective as i feel the slow build up keeps the scenec more interesting and keeping the audience aware and alert to what is to follow. Although i believe this, i also believe that this method would be the most trickiest to create as there is a high risk that if it is not carried out properly the audience may be left bored and not entertained.

i think that the opening to the film "seven" was the one i found that most stood out amonst the others that we had viewed. i feel that the combination of background music, special effects and mise- en -scene (of razors, needles and photos distorted body features) created a very dramatic and tence atmosphere abound the class (audience). this wass illustrated by the classes scilence and the fact that the majority of us did not break eye contact wit da screen. i feel that the opening to "seven" created the best effect on the audience and i will bare in mind the techniques that were used to create this suspence that i desire in our own practical work.

further more in this documentary there was a part were two different directors were talkin about different effects to beginigs. Jean Jacques Beineix says that with and opening that starts off with excitement there is a risk that the audience are lured into anticipateing even more action, which by having a dramatic opening from the satrt is hard to sustain throughout the film.

also film critic Stanley Kauffmann explains to us the "classic opening" and the affect it has upon the reader. he states that the "classic opening is ideal because from the opening the audience are shown:

  • where it is takin place.

  • occupation and organisation of the world i.e. if the camera goes higher up the building we assume thay are more improtant and people at the bottom are less.

i found his talk very interesting but feel that the "classic opening" has been used many times befor and feel if the make our own adaptaion it would not be as entertaining to watch as it has been seen many times before.

we next watched the opening sequence to the film "shinning" i found this opening facinating as previously we had watched this wholoe film for research. but this time by watching the documentary i was able to be more analitical about the opening that last time when we just watch it. i found that the use to the camera being above the car and following it created a feeling that the camera was like a prdator and the car was the prey. this was further supporther by the camera not takin notice of the picturesque scenary around.

to finish the lesson we were shown this same media course work done by the year before us. we watched one about a mysterious man with a suitcase walkin into a office building, then leaving the building without the suitcase which blows up the building. i felt that the use a music played the biggest part in creating the tension and suspence and also the use of no dialog and the man not changing his facial expression unnerved me. we also watch one about a phyco inside a church. from this one i could tell that the insparation came from the opening of the fil "seven" as it was layed out and presented in a similar fashion. this opening also created the same effect on the class as "seven did"

this research has broadened my knoledge of how to create suspence and the many techniques that coould be used. also it has giving me more options that can be used in our own opening including shot types, camera angles, camera movment, use of music and use of mise - en - scene.

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