Saturday 24 January 2009


Hopefully this will save because ive be trying to pst all week and it hasnt been woring..On Monday the 12th of January we started to edit our short film clip. We found that the fact that we had taken so many clips at different shot angles was a great advantage to us. The shot types made the extremely small kitchen that we were filming in, look like a private meeting room. We didn’t use many transitions because the many precise shots meant we didn’t need any and the audience can follow the story without them. The only effects I can remember us using are the fading out to black at the end and fading out to black some where in the beginning to link the shit of Daniel opening the door. A teacher also taught us how to slow down tracks. We slowed down the shot were Daniel (punches?) Claudio in the face and when the chewing gum is thrown at the bin to make the viewers concentrate more on these quite good shots which wouldn’t be noticed much because of the quickness they were originally shot in. I am the only one that really knows how to use edit so it was allot of work. I hope the rest of team learn how to do more things so there’s not so much pressure on me when it comes to editing, and it would be useful to them also, just in case I come in late or something.


On Wednesday the 14th of January, in the fist half of the double lesson, the editing was completed. I added a sound track with the help of suggestions from the team. I found this was quite simple and was happy to do it because I had do music technology as part of Music GCSE and it was more or less the same with the absence of a keyboard. The music was used to add tension ad emphasise action suck as the opening of the door and Claudio’s collision with the wall. In the second half of the lesson we watched some more previous coursework. We watched good ones and bad one and from doing so, we gain ideas of thing to do and things not to do. After that we were put into our groups in order to come up with an Idea. Our group came up with ideas which I felt weren’t good enough and I encouraged that every one would think about and idea for the next time we meet.

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