Tuesday 13 January 2009

Thriller Preliminary film number 2

On Wednesday 7th we were put into pairs to do a shot list exercise. I was with Oneme. We were given a synopsis which was:East London. 3pm. A man chain-smokes as he sits at his home PC. He copies confidential computer files and Plans to a CD. He packages them and is seen posting the.
Our task was to create a shot list for the sequence of the events using a grid which was provided. Oneme and I worked well together to do the shot list using a range of different shot types and angles.
After we finished were shown the real film version of it, which was made by the city and Islington media staff.
After this we were put into our thriller groups and then were given a brief for our Thriller Preliminary film number 2. The brief said that we had to create film and in it:
A character opens the door,
Walks into the room, Sits down opposite another character and Share a few lines of dialogue.
Also the sequence had to include at least one match cut and an example of reverse shot showing the 180 degree rule, were:
For the rest of the first half of the lesson our group was got on to planning what was going to happen and made shot list. In the second half of the lesson we film. Or film had a old chinese film theme. So the voice wereout of sync. Daniel and Claudio were thetwo charaters., Nimrol were the voices and A filmed it all. Our location was in the teachers kitchen. We took many types of shots ant different angles.
We finished all the filming and I think that everything went well

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