Monday 5 January 2009

Today we did some research as part of our thriller project. We watched a documentary on the openings to films. This was to give us an idea of how we wanted the opening of our thriller to be. We can decide whether to have a slow opening  which builds up the action gradually or if we would rather go straight into the action being dramatic and action packed. There are arguments for both of these. If you go in slowly it could be suspenseful but it could also be boring. If you have action straight off then it could be exciting but where can you go from there?

the opening sequence needs to raise questions in the mind of the audience. However it needs to be clear as well and not totally confuse them. After watching a good opening the audience should want to see more and know what is coming next. There are different ways to think about opening a film and some films are very well known for their openings. An example of this is  se7en which has images of blades straight away which puts the audience in the mood and gives them the  mindset that the director wants them to have.

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