Saturday 24 January 2009

This week!

On Monday the 17th of January after a long discussion we created our idea for our Thriller Opening. Daniel came up with the name (Dead – U – Cation) but I’m not to sure about that. Anyway, we decoded that the thriller is going to be about a psycho electronics college teacher who experiments with torture methods involving electricity, on students who he does not particularly like. We decided that Claudio was going to the teacher because he looks the oldest; I was going to be the other teacher and Daniel was going to the student that was being held hostage by Claudio.


The PitchOn Wednesday’s lesson we were today that we had to pitch our film to a panel of media teachers. Our pitch had to include who are target audience is (15 – 25), the locations (Classroom and College), Lighting, and Camera work extra. We also had to draw a rough storyboard. We came up with a production name and we called ourselves Flawless production, I suggested it because its one of my nicknames and because I use it as a name of my YouTube channel. Although the team wasn’t too keen on the fact is was basically named after me, they decided to go along because of the meaning of the word flawless, perfect and faultless, and it sounded professional too. 3 out of 4 of the Media teacher liked our pitch. The advice we took from them is that we should concentrate more on what was going on in the classroom where the hostage was than the walking in of the teacher. Listening to all the other groups pitches were interesting and I felt that it was a good lesson.

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