Saturday 17 January 2009

Match cut tasks

In the lesson of Wednesday the 7Th we returned back to the subject of match cuts. We had looked into this technique in an earlier lesson and i remembered that match cuts are when one shot or action is filmed from several angles and distances then two are more of those clips are used to make the one shot or action. AN example of this in the previous lesson on match cuts was of a man who entered a shop a leaned over a plate to pick up the food off of it. The two shot types that were matched were a mid shot of the man leaning and a close up of his hand taking the food off the plate.
In this lesson however we were given the task of creating a shot list for the following scenario - east London, a man is chain smoking whist on the computer copying some confidential files on to a CD and then posting it in the mail. We were put in pairs for this task, i worked with cloudio. We had a few match cuts of like a mid shot of the man putting a cigarette in his mouth and a close up of the lighter lighting the end of it as well as like an over the shoulder shot of him typing and looking at the computer screen to a close up of what he was typing. My teacher Andrew encouraged us to s try and create a few more which we were able to do although i can not recall them to mind.
We then watch a version that was actually filmed by the city and islington media staff and found some ideas for match cuts we had actually come up with like when the man was walking to post the letter cloudio and I had written a cut of 3 different angles to cover the action and the staffs one did that.
For the second half of the lesson we had the following task - A character opens the door, Walks into the room, Sits down opposite another character and Share a few lines of dialogue.Also the sequence had to include at least one match cut and an example of reverse shot showing the 180 degree rule. I learnt the 18- degree rule is that wen filming u must stick to 180 degrees of the side your filming from because if you shot more den 180 degrees scene will be flip horizontally ie the character on the left will now be on t he right. We planned to do a traditional old Chinese movie with out of sync speak and dialogue typical to the genre, the avenging of ones father etc. We really wanted to succeed in match cuts and shot every shot from multiple angles. We managed to complete the filming and the whole group was satisfied with the work. Cloudio and i played the characters, nirmol was the voice over and susie did the filming.

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