Tuesday 27 January 2009

Filming Day 1

Yesterday we started filming our thriller opening. Daniel wasn’t there because he wasn’t feeling well, so it was just me Nimrol and Claudio. Daniel’s absence didn’t affect us to much because Daniel’s character doesn’t come in the end. We took many establishing shots outside our college. In the middle of doing so we then realised that it made sense if we used the centre for applied sciences building next to it. We filmed short shots of the rods around the college and the close ups of the big old clock next to the college so that we cold add to the location and time which the thriller was beginning.Claudio brought in a shirt and couldn’t find any other smart clothes so Nimrol borrowed him his bag and jacket.Surprisingly we don’t see Claudio’s face in any shots so far, due to the may shots we took of his reflection instead of him and also the way the angle of the camera at times, which is pleasing.Film the cctv camera which were in the reception, we filmed when Claudio walks in to the building, and when he walks to the lift. The lift part took very long because the indication had to be given by phone, and Claudio wasn’t to sure what to do and many other problems, but we did it in the end. :) However we haven’t done filming of the lift going up yet. We did some filming with Claudio walking up to classroom but this may not be used. The reason for this is because Daniel was going get us a classroom to use but his teacher said no so our Media teacher is going ask the head of science to allow us to us a lab on Wednesday.Overall I think the filming yesterday went very well because we got a lot done, filmed at many angles and also different types of shot. And we also improved on original ideas that we had. On Wednesday we hope to finish the filming of the entrance and start filming in the classroom :)!

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