Tuesday 3 February 2009

Filming Day 2

Last Wednesday we continued filming. This time we filmed the second half of the opening. This part was supposed to be located in an electronics room. A electronics room was not available so we used an English room. This wasn't too bad because we only need to film the teachers desk mainly.
The first thing we filmed was the teachers entrance. We filmed this from different angles so that when it comes to editing we would get lost of match cuts.
In the classroom we turned off the lights, the only light was the light coming through the blinds which we closed. We had a spotlight which we put at the desk, and all this created a spooky looking atmosphere.
I think that the team worked well with what we had; Claudio was a very cooperative actor; Nimrol and Daniel were the props management which kept them very busy. The got allot of science equipment to make the room look like a science room and the also did all the heavy lifting.

Unfortunately due to the snow on Monday College was cancelled. Because of this we will have to work harder tomorrow.

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