Tuesday 24 February 2009

23/02/09 sooting and editing + tuesday work shop

On Mondays lesson me, Claudio and Daniel went out with a camera and shot varies close ups of facial features. We did because we wanted to carry on with the sense of a hidden identity and also to create more tension and uncertainty amongst the audience. These shots were quiet successful, so we thought. When we went on to upload the carried on with our editing we found that firstly the clips where to bright comparing it to the actual scene were the lights are dimmed. Also in some of the clips we can c the back ground which does not correspond to the other footages. On the other hand we did have some successful close ups of the eyes and the lips, which I feel will be useful in our final thriller. When we went back to the editing room we got the idea to get more close ups but on objects that relater electronics. Daniel had his electronic book so we had close ups of varies diagrams of circuits, etc. I also had my biology book and so we also used close ups on images of biological features some of which looked very gruesome. After this we carried on with editing by uploading these clips and deciding was to place them in the sequence of shots.
Today we all turned up to the media work shop during sacrificing our lunch break. During this time we made the scenes we have already put together flow fully and added cross fades and effects to make it look more professional and effective. We then stated rearranging certain clips so that they made more sense to the audience.

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