Friday 13 February 2009

This week/ My Major Rant!

I'm afraid that most of this blog is going 80% Rant because this has been a hard and frustrating week.
This week we uploaded all we had on to the compters. After Log and capturing and looking at all the clips i realised there weren't enough to link to gether. We needed more clips to fill in the the gaps of the shot where Claudio comes in. And more clips in the the bit with where Claudio is doing electronic things. Everyone was say take out this andtake out that, but whatthy couldsee is we didnt have enogh to take out in the first place!
I said I would put the clips in order and match them up. Because the est of the team did not know how to edit i sent them to try and film some more shots. I dont think (after about an hour) they got much shots if many done.
I also tried out the music for the film, it was ok I will finish it of when everything is compledted. It has electical sound withinit to go with the theme.
Nimrol is really mmmm getting of my nerves because he actually has not part in this but fixing the tripod. Therefore I cannot understand how it is possible for him to have anything to say in his blog.
Daniel does try do what he can, and Claudio does what you tell him to in filmin and doesn't moan. But Nimol doesn't do nothing the moans his head off. The idea for the film was his and Daniel its like there just counting on me to make it happen and every one gets the same mark. Its not fair!!! *stomps feet*
Any Way because we missed a Monday I think we were given the option tio come in next Monday, in the half term. If so I will come in, Claudio, needs to come in and only one of the other two need to come in. They shouldn't come if they are not going to do any thing but complain.
I'm not sure if it is wise for me to slag of some members of my own team.However I'm sure it happens in the industry, and like them I'm sure we will do the best we can and get through this before i loose my composure.

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