Tuesday 17 February 2009

Idea Spark

Had an Idea, so I'm going to write it down so I dont forget

We Should Scap the School Idea It doesnt Work

Ive put down the all the clips I can remember and arranged them in away that story make sense. Ok, so the story is about a obsessive scientist that uses his technical equipment to see things in the past.

This is the shot List

End Shot
Crocodile Clips
End Shot (speeded up)
Zoom Flash Transition to Past
Science place through bars /eye/ Pan of electrical buttons (fish eye)
Zoom Flash
Pass/ Reflection in Glass/eye/ Follow of circuit Map (fish eye)
Zoom Flash
Reflection in puddle eye/
Zoom Flash
Entrance CCTV/ eye/
Zoom Flash
Lift CCTV and Push Button/ eye/
Zoom Flash
Walk out and Open Door/eye/Chemicals
Zoom Flash
Laugh/eye/Turn and plug in of thing/Turning of knob
Zoom Flash Back to the Future
Crocodile Clips
(Whole) End Shot

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