Tuesday 3 February 2009

2nd session of filming

On last Wednesday’s lesson we carried on with our shooting of our thriller. From last lesson we left off from when he is about to enter his room. We carried on the filming on Wednesday with a match cut of him entering room. But before any of this happened we spent the first half-an-hour preparing props for out class room scene. Due to the electronics and science labs being in constant use on the times when we have media we where unable to use on of those classes. Instead we had to venture out to find props that will correspond and match out story board and at the same time give the impression that we is a electronics teacher. So instead of going to the rooms we bought the room to us. We did this my taking electronic apparatuses (such as clips and an amp metre) from the physics stock room (with permission) and also a couple of test tubes, conical flasks and a lab coat from the chemistry department. Furthermore me and Daniel went out to the local stores and purchased some different coloured food colouring to use as “chemicals” in the test tubes, etc. after all our preparations were finished, we began with out match cut of Claudio entering the room.

We then went onto taking multiple shots/angels of Claudio walking up to his computer desk and putting on a lab coat. We then took over the shoulder shots of Claudio typing up the report on the computer accompanied by perspective shots and birds eye view shot of this action to build more footage for editing and also to create more tension as at this point Claudio’s identity is still hidden.

After that we took further shots of another teacher (Suzie) asking our central character (Claudio) for the reports. We did this to further familiarise the audience that he is not trespassing and also to show normality in the perspective to other people that could be in the location of the action. We also did multiple shots fro this from the over the shoulder shots of both Claudio and Suzie and other shot types on both sides (inside and outside the class room).

After all these shots we had very little time to shoot the scenes of the character producing something from the electronics and chemistry props. So for this we did only a couple of shots of the same things but in different angles and when we returned the props we notified the certain teacher that we will be requiring the props again.

We did not have a lesson on the 2nd of February due to the weather condition (snow) that the college was closed down so all lessons were cancelled.

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