Monday 9 February 2009

shooting- 04/02/09

In Wednesday’s lesson we again continued our shooting of our thriller. This time we went on to shoot the main character (Claudio) adjusting and putting together some electrical apparatus. So to start off the lesson I had to go down to the physics and chemistry labs to go and get the props we had borrowed in the previous lesson including the lab coat and amp metre.
We were then struck with a difficulty as the class room we had used in the previous lesson for shooting was now in use to we were not able to use the same classroom.

This did cause a dilemma as now we were faced with a sudden change in setting. After some serious thought we concluded that we will have to make do with another classroom but when we want to shoot we had to ensure that the camera focuses on the computer desk and the desk for the electronics equipment as when we filmed in the other class we did not have a shot of the entire classroom. So we went on to shooting using more closer up shots to ensure that the class room change was not identifiable.

But then again we were hit with another problem and that is that when we reveal our hostage we would have to show a larger section of the classroom so that we can fit in the main character and the hostage. For this we had no idea on how to cover it up, so in the end we decided to call it a day and re-shoot the character coming into the classroom for next lesson. We could not do the shot in this lesson as I had not bought the jacket that the character wares in the film. But the re-shoot was justified when we came onto uploading our clips on to final cut pro. This is because when we did record the coming into the class room Claudio did not have a bag on. This would of looked stupid as we did a match cut of when he comes in and it would look obvious and unprofessional if he goes towards the door with a bag and enters without one.

1 comment:

@ Candi Media said...

What the hell r u talking about Nimrol. How could u no all this stuff when uve never even looked into the Camera!