Monday 15 December 2008

Susie's summary of media work so far

Okay dokay...

Its been roughly two weeks since we have started the Thriller project. 
From my Practice filming session I learned:
  • How to use a storyboard to plan out shots. And how useful the storyboard is because it can be used when you forget what your doing
  • How to handle a tripod
  • How to use a camera and how to film shots like: long shots, extreme close ups and a zoom
I am reasonably happy with my camera work. The shots that worked well were:
  • Shouts of the card dealing
  • Nirmol's Close up
The shot that was most successfully was the tracking of  Daniel's waist when he walks over. This shot allow the audience to see what the other characters cannot, the handing over of the money. I think that the most unsuccessful shot was the shot of 

We regret that we were unable to finish the editing because our clip would have been good with some transitions. Also we would have liked it to be in black and white and had to Jazzy  music which would have create more tension. 

Conventions from real thriller films that our are Dramatic Silence and Extreme close ups. Like the film we watched, 'The shining' there is not much dialogue therefore there is a concentration on camera work to create tension, beside a awkward silence

The Film Practice Practical was focused on camera work but are group paid attention to Mise en Scene. The clothes we wore made us 

Today we uploaded the film up on to the log so you can see what I've been on about. I feel that the practice filming we have done so far has been successful in the sense my group and I have learned allot of things that will help us in our final the thriller.

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