Wednesday 3 December 2008

sample filming day

the first half of this lesson we were given a introduction into the use of the college video cameras and all its feature including how to put in and take out a tape. also we were given a demonstration of the college tri-pods by Mike as well.

then we set off planning what our group was going to film which did not go on very well due to the immaturity of myself and Daniel. all props that were listed to be bought in was there except for the poker chips which i unfortunately could not find at home. we then set about finding a location for out footage to be shot. this was found to be a problem for our group as we could not find a suitable and unpopulated room. we first went to the common room which was being used by another group. we then found a room on the lower ground and stated recording. but unfortunately after a couple of minutes we had to vacate the room due to it having to be used by a teacher for his tutorial session. fortunately thanks to out great teacher Andrew we found a new room which was empty to start our filming again due to a new location. we did not manage to finish off our filming as we where short on time via the incidents during our filming. but i do however feel that the filming that we have done a present was very good.

i left for my lunch break late as i had to take the camera and tri-pod back and also to label our groups tape.

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