Monday 15 December 2008

For this task we were given the challenge of filming our own game of cards. We were told to focus particularly on camera angles and editing.We decided to film a poker game where one person won and the other two lost their money.We focussed on close ups of facial expressions and the cards that the people had.

I feel that overall we did the camera work well. We did this by filming many times to ensure a good quality as we did many takes. The close up on the players faces were our most successful. One thing we should have done differently is panning the cards to the players face as it would have looked good and built up suspense.

The editing went well overall. The continuity editing was also successful. Our film made sense due to our careful editing.

i learned that mise en scene is very important to the credibility of a film and to the feelings of an audience and how much they enjoy it. By including good props and having a good setting you can make your film more professional and believable for audiences.

We did create some suspends as we dealt out two hands of cards then a third one was dealt. The two platers wondered who the third hand was for and then the camera showed the third player. He then walked over very slowly which added to the suspends and his voice was interesting and suspenseful.

We remembered to do the extra 5 seconds before each shot. However we forgot to do it afterwards. This meant that it was harder for us to do the editing later.

One of the conventions that we had from a real thriller is a dramatic silence in certain parts. Also we showed nerves on people's faces and other facial expressions that they had.

The feedback is that it was good overall but there were some changes we could have made. The editing could have been better and more precise and one of our shots took too much time. This is where someone walks across the room and sits down. They felt that it took him too long and we filmed him too much. This was unnecessarily long.

I fell that overall we did well and this is a good introduction to filming and editing for me and the rest of the class. There were a few things I would change. One is the editing. At one point you can hear someone saying cut. Next time I would edit this out more carefully. Also I would find a setting quicker. Choosing a location to film was tricky. Also I would remember the 5 second rule for every shot as it would have made it easier later. BUt overall this went well.

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