Wednesday 3 December 2008

introduction to video editing

on Mondays lesson we were in the computer room using the video editing software. we we given a demonstration on how to used various icons to edit scenes using examples from an abstract of a film called BAIT. after each demonstration we were able to practice and get to grips with the editing techniques such as cutting inbetween clips, adding slides in between each clip to fade the transition and also were made aware of match shots so that the footage looks more professional.

after we finished using the editing software we were told the groups that we would be in to do our practical assignment. i am in a group with Daniel, Claudio and Susuana.

once we got into our groups we told about a sample clip we had to produce of building suspense of a card game. we them went into discussion about what we were going to do and started listing things we needed to bring in. these were:
  • formal clothing for all
  • i had to bring a alcohol bottle which we are goin to fill with water and some pocker chips

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