Monday 15 December 2008

the practical task

for this sample practical we were given the task to create a scene of a card game. this scene had to be full of tension and suspense. also it should entertain the audience.
we had to firstly plan out what our scene then use the video camera and shoot our clips with scenes from what we planned from our planning session. finally we edited them of the so that the clips made scene in sequence with each other.

i think that our camera work was very good as we had various and a variety of shot types ranging from long shots to extreme close ups and panning shots. i feel that our close ups worked well as it allowed the audience to see and feel the tension that the characters were experiencing in the scenes. our most unsuccessful camera work was the medium shot of when we were putting our bets down. i believe this because it did not create good suspense and tension as we put down the money really quick so it didn't provide shock as the bet increased.

our editing was more of a educational experience for our groups as we had made many blunders during shooting such as not leavening the 5 second gaps between our shots in some of the clips. also we did not label each clips once we produced it which wasted more time due to going back on them and renaming them. overall due to this we had little time to edit which can be seen on the clip. we were unable to fade in our shots and finish the remainder of the clip.

i learn that mise en scene Can play a crucial role in creating a suspension atmosphere. the white hat Daniel wore was the best piece of mise en scene we had as it created uncertainty due to hiding his identity.we had parts of our clip that created an element of suspense. the use of the hidden identity of the "phantom player" was a good way of creating suspense as no one would no who he and feel untrustworthy towards him. also i feel the use of silence created an suspenseful and tense atmosphere.

some of our clips we forgot to include the extra five minutes before and after each shot. also some of our clips were incomplete as we pressed pause to early.

i think that the use of the dramatic silence was a good convention we adapted from real thriller films as it makes the audience feel a sense of anticipation for something dramatic to occur. furthermore i believe the close ups and the facial expressions are those of a conventional thrill film.

our teacher (Andrew) gave us feed back that if we had more time we should of brushed up on our editing on the fades in between each shot. also we commented that when Daniel sits down the shots Carry's on too long at the beginning before the sits down as the couple of seconds gap breaks the suspense and also in unnecessary.

i feel that the practical on the whole went pretty well, although i believe we should of focused more in editing as this proved to be our downfall of our practical piece of work.

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