Monday 2 March 2009

Last Week *


On Wednesday, in our 3 hour lesson we worked in the special effects. Before we did that we were going to upload the footage the boys filmed the day before. Went through watched the tape but unfortunately the footage that they had film was not on the tape. When I saw this, I imagined that something must have gone wrong during the filming. We got allot of it done and got everything structure how we wanted it to be. We had put one credit at the begging and the Title at the end. And we figured that we could run some credits on top the film in the very light bits.
The group was satisfied with the structure of the film and thought it was ok to start our soundtrack. It was only when we exported it t make the sound track, we saw that it wasn’t even one minute long! There was frustration but not as much as there would have been if we hadn’t of had many extra clips. We still thought that we need more and panned to do more filming on the next day. I asked my teacher to show us how to add credits so we wouldn’t need to ask another teacher for help later on when they might not be able to.


On Thursday I came to college a couple of hour early and me and Claudio filmed so establishing shots, and also a shot of the lift going up, which was visible from outside the science block. When we got down stairs and I turned on the camera I saw that the tape was full. Then I realised that the reason that the guys filming didn’t come up, it was that they didn’t know that the film was finished and filmed any way, thinking that every thing would record. So I rewind our tape and filmed over things we had done.
Daniel was supposed to join us but he had work to do so he couldn’t. Nimrol lost his ID card, so he had to go somewhere to retrieve it.
Nimrol and arrived when me and Claudio also re-filmed the interior because we were told that it was to dark he had brought his biology book and I filmed some of it.
After Claudio and I did this filming I had to go to tutorial then we went to lunch. Our plan was to get everything logged and captured and then see what we needed then. When we (Me and Nimrol) came back we found that a no computers were free in the edit room so we had to hang around for about forty-five minutes.
Nimrol couldn’t stay long so I was left on my own to add and edit the footage and make it linger. Not all the footage that we had filmed this morning came out clear because of the fact we had filmed over things. But we still had a substantial amount to use at the begging, between the credits. I stayed for around two hours and also managed to add the credits too.



On Friday I called Claudio to go to the media computer lab to save us a computer s we didn’t end up in the same situation as we did the day before. He did, and I arrived and managed to finish off the film and made the sound track. The sound track contained heart beats and wind and electronic noises. The sound track was approved by Claudio and also by Nimrol, who join us later. Daniel did not come due to other work. The I was really stressful, and if I had enough time I would have composed music myself because I didn’t find the timing of the sound and the range wide enough to crate an accurate soundtrack. But I tried to fit it as best as I could and only hope that it is long enough.

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