Monday 2 March 2009

dead line week of thriller course work

On Wednesday we found out that out thriller was going to be too short. As when we had put it together in sequence it was only 1 minute. Although we had not included our title’s it was obvious it would no carry through a full minute. When we found this out we where told by out media teacher (Andrew) that we would lose marks if it was this short and an ideal minimum length of the thriller should be a minute and a half. Also we had a problem as some of our shots may have been to dark. But we thought that this would not be a problem as we had taken extra shots in the previous lesson. Me, Daniel and Claudio again went off to shoot clips of Claudio doing activities and also the old shots but in a lighter background. We have over the shoulder shots of him turning the page and making references to texts in Daniels electronics book. We also had close ups of the text he was making reference to. Then we reshot the old shot in exactly the same way were the camera pans up to his face and across to the victim (Daniel). I thought these shots were really good and were effective in creating more suspense and curiosity die to the slow camera movements and the slow following of the text by Claudio. However in the editing suite when we went to log and capture the new footage we found that there was no new footage. This was because when we were filming we had reached the end of the tape, so all the shots we took were not recorded as there was no tape left to record onto. Due to this the shots we took came to nothing as they were not recorded so more time was wasted. So for the remainder of the lesson we started to structure our thriller more by adding in cross fades and effects such as black and white coloring. The majority of this editing was done and we then planned to start the sound track during our own time in media workshops.

On Thursday morning I had lessons so I could not attend the work shop. However because I had lost my ID card and so had to find it and when I did I came back to college with only half an hour of the first half of the lessons left. So instead of going to my lesson for half an hour I went to join Suzie and Claudio instead. During this time they told me they had done a filming of establishing shots. When I joined we continued filming the part we had done before but remembering to rewind the tape. Also as I had my biology book (as I had biology) we filmed more images that was in the book which could be useful in making the thriller a bit ;longer and also to build further tension as the images were all kind of distorted and didn’t resemble anything obvious. I then went back to my lesson which I had missed the first half of.

Then after my evening lesson of tutorial me and Suzie met up again to use the editing suit so that we can get a lot more work done as we thought we should do as much as possible rather than leave it till late. This was a time consuming process as all the computers were in use so we had to wait a good 45 minutes until a computer became available. Eventually a computer did become available and during this time we went through our clips and brushed up on them to make the progression through the film smoother and also to make to look more presentable and professional. Further more we edited more to make the thriller longer by adding slow motion but also to create more lesion due to the slow approach. I had to leave early due to having other planes and responsibilities, but Suzie assured me that she would be fine and that by the time she finishes only the sound track would need to be done.

On Friday I came in to media work shop at lunch time to find Suzie already starting the sound track. Together we came up with the sound track which included wind, heartbeat and electrical sound. We had them in stages with each other with the climax occurring then silence when the title comes up. Our soundtrack is loud and rapid so it will raise heat beats along with the flashes and distorted images with have in our thriller. And at the end it goes quiet which will settle the audience’s nerves but make them remember the opening of our thriller.

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